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Category Archives: The Solipsist Tarot

The Solipsist Tarot

I did it! The Solipsist Tarot’s Major Arcana is complete! *confetti* The cards have all been digitised and colour-corrected, and are now at the printers for proofing! With any luck, they’ll be back sometime next week and they’ll be so good, I will be able to shoot them properly and put them up for pre-orders […]

The Solipsist Tarot

The closer I get to finishing the Major Arcana, the more daunting it becomes. I don’t know if it’s because I’m over-thinking the last few, but it suddenly feels like a harrowing task! It also doesn’t help that I’ve been just stupid busy with work stuff, picking up some freelance work in an effort to […]

The Solipsist Tarot

Solipsism, very basically put, is the theory that the self is all that can be known to exist. So, when I say the only absolute true thing I know is that I really know nothing and no one else but me knows this, I’m not only being self-deprecating, I’m also being pretentiously solipsistic. When I […]